Saturday, 26 September 2015

Historic Centre of Brugge

Belgium is one of the strong possibilities for my next vacations. Thanks to the film "In Bruges" and to postcards I felt in love with Bruges and now I really want to go there! I hope I can go next year because this year I think it wont be possible.

This postcard was sent by Amina

Brugge is an outstanding example of a medieval historic settlement, which has maintained its historic fabric as this has evolved over the centuries, and where original Gothic constructions form part of the town's identity. As one of the commercial and cultural capitals of Europe, Brugge developed cultural links to different parts of the world. It is closely associated with the school of Flemish Primitive painting. - in:

Belfry of Bruges

The Belfry of Bruges (DutchBelfort van Brugge) is a medieval bell tower in the centre of BrugesBelgium.
The belfry was added to the market square around 1240, when Bruges was an important centre of the Flemish cloth industry. After a devastating fire in 1280, the tower was largely rebuilt. The city archives, however, were forever lost to the flames. - in: wikipedia


  1. Também tenho este postal, foi comprado em Brugge. Quando puderes, vai lá, tenho a certeza que vais gostar.

    1. Sim, tenho de lá ir e espero que num futuro próximo! Assim visto pelos postais faz-me lembrar ligeiramente Colmar, mas ainda mais bonito. E já para não falar que são três sítios UNESCO num só :)
