Thursday 23 November 2017

Mantua and Sabbioneta

An Italian friend recommended me recently the city of Mantua to spend a weekend. I don't have plans to visit Italy again in a near future, but since I don't have any postcard from Sabbioneta maybe it is a good idea to visit both 

This postcard was sent by Marina

Mantua (ItalianMantova) is a city and commune in Lombardy, Italy, and capital of the province of the same name.
Mantua is surrounded on three sides by artificial lakes, created during the 12th century, as the city's defence system.
Mantua's historic power and influence under the Gonzaga family has made it one of the main artistic, cultural, and especially musical hubs of Northern Italy and the country as a whole.
The Gonzagas protected the arts and culture, and were hosts to several important artists such as Leone Battista AlbertiAndrea MantegnaGiulio RomanoDonatelloPeter Paul RubensPisanelloDomenico FettiLuca Fancelli and Nicolò Sebregondi. Though many of the masterworks have been dispersed, the cultural value of Mantua is nonetheless outstanding, with many of Mantua's patrician and ecclesiastical buildings being uniquely important examples of Italian architecture. - in: wikipedia

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