Saturday, 15 July 2023

Petroglyphs of Lake Onega and the White Sea

These rock carvings were created from 7 to 4 millennia ago and represent a glimpse into the lives of Neolithic cultures of Fennoscandia.

Petroglyphs in Fennoscandia
This postcard was sent by Boris

The site contains 4,500 petroglyphs carved in the rocks during the Neolithic period dated about 6-7 thousand years ago and located in the Republic of Karelia in the Russian Federation. It is one of the largest such sites in Europe with petroglyphs that document Neolithic culture in Fennoscandia. The serial property encompasses 33 rock art panels in two component parts 300km apart: 22 petroglyph groups at Lake Onega in the District of Pudozhsky featuring a total of over 1,200 figures and 3,411 figures in 11 groups by the White Sea in the District of Belomorsky. The rock art figures at Lake Onega mostly represents birds, animals, half human and half animal figures as well as geometric shapes that may be symbols of the moon and the sun. The petroglyphs of the White Sea are mostly composed of carvings depicting hunting and sailing scenes including their related equipment as well as animal and human footprints. They show significant artistic qualities and testify to the creativity of the Stone Age. The petroglyphs are associated with sites including settlements and burial grounds. - in:

Tajik National Park (Mountains of the Pamirs)

Tajikistan National Park covers more than 2.5 million hectares in the east of the country

Tajik National Park
This postcard was sent by Nancy

Tajik National Park is a national park and nature reserve in eastern Tajikistan. It was established in 1992 and expanded in 2001 to include parts of the Pamir Mountains. The park covers 26,116.74 square kilometres (10,083.73 sq mi) or a little over 18 percent of Tajikistan's total area.
The national park features a mix of steppedesertgrassland and alpine regions.
Species known to live in the national park include the brown bearsnow leopardwolvesmarkhorMarco Polo sheepbrown-headed gulls and bar-headed geese. in: wikipedia

Twyfelfontein or /Ui-//aes

 This site displays one of the largest concentrations of rock petroglyphs in Africa

Twyfelfontein or /Ui-//aes
This postcard was sent by Marcel

Twyfelfontein or /Ui-//aes has one of the largest concentrations of [...] petroglyphs, i.e. rock engravings in Africa. Most of these well-preserved engravings represent rhinoceros, . The site also includes six painteelephant, ostrich and giraffe, as well as drawings of human and animal footprintsd rock shelters with motifs of human figures in red ochre. The objects excavated from two sections, date from the Late Stone Age. The site forms a coherent, extensive and high-quality record of ritual practices relating to hunter-gatherer communities in this part of southern Africa over at least 2,000 years, and eloquently illustrates the links between the ritual and economic practices of hunter-gatherers. - in: